Peace, Progress and Tradition: Riverton City Looks Back on 2015 and Forward to 2016
Jan 04, 2016 11:48AM ● By Bryan ScottBy Briana Kelley
South Valley - Riverton City recently concluded a significant year of tradition and change. In 2015, the city celebrated its early settlement in 1865 with a year-long celebration. The city also adopted ordinances that will affect future development. As the city’s historic sesquicentennial year draws to an end and 2016 begins, city council members and staff reflect on what happened in 2015 and what they hope to accomplish in the following year.
“As Riverton City’s sesquicentennial celebration year comes to a close, we look back with gratitude and pride in our city and in the progress made over the last 150 years. At the top of our list of highlights are the partnerships we share with members of our community. Local businesses, Jordan School District and each of the Riverton schools, elected officials and staff, service organizations, resident volunteers and the citizens who joined with us in celebrating our history, events, people and milestones, all collectively make Riverton one of the finest cities in which to live,” public information officer Angela Trammell said.
The city scheduled over 150 events throughout 2015, designed to highlight the city’s rich heritage and increase community pride among Riverton residents.
“From our January kick-off ‘Light the Candle’ event in which 150 elementary school students relay-raced throughout the city, carrying birthday torches and lighting the candles on Riverton’s 150th birthday cake, to our newest-born and most-senior residents, Easter egg hunts, historical cemetery tour, Riverton City Park opening and concert by The Osmonds, Town Days, concerts in the park and Food Truck Frenzies, the re-election of two City Councilmembers, Veterans Day program, Santa’s Arrival, and much more… Riverton City enjoyed a fantastic year of peace, progress and tradition in 2015,” Trammell added.
The opening of Riverton City Park on June 22 was one of the largest scheduled events and provided a gathering place for other community events held throughout the rest of the year. The newly renovated park includes three playgrounds, workout stations, a sand volleyball pit, a splash pad and two outdoor pavilions. It also has basketball, tennis and pickleball courts and five acres of open lawn.
“In my estimation, the highlight of the city council for 2015 and the highlight for my district are one in the same thing. With no question it was the opening of the new main park. Everything surrounding the opening was much bigger than expected. From the grand opening of the park, to the rodeo, to the last firework of Town Days it was all worth it. I watched with joy the number of people that rekindled family traditions and many families starting traditions all surrounding the main park,” councilmember Brent Johnson said.
The city also announced the development of a major commercial district on the northeast corner of 13400 South and Mountain View Corridor.
“This is a great fit for our community and has the potential to almost double our sales tax revenue once it is completely built out,” councilmember Trent Staggs said.
The 85-acre development, known as the western commercial development or “Mountain View Place at Riverton,” will be designed and constructed by CenterCal Properties, LLC. The land is currently owned by Suburban Land Reserve, Inc. (SLR), a real estate investment subsidiary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Mountain View Place will continue to be a major focus of the council in the upcoming year. The master development agreement and master commercial site plan were unanimously approved in the Dec. 1, 2015 council meeting and CenterCal plans to begin construction in 2016.
“I believe a majority of our time will be to make sure Mountain View Place is properly constructed and will be an asset to our community. There will be many meetings with staff, SLR, CenterCal, and even the planning commission. We all want this to be something we will be proud of,” councilmember Tricia Tingey said.
Other notable city accomplishments include increased transparency through live streaming of council meetings and a new city website set to launch in 2016, the change in Riverton’s culinary water source and a more streamlined development process for businesses in Riverton.
2016 District and City Goals
Riverton City also has specific plans in the upcoming year. Each council member discussed their goals both for their respective districts and for the council as a whole in 2016. For District 1, Councilmember Sheldon Stewart outlined his three main goals.
“First, groundbreaking for CenterCal with significant progress towards development and construction. Second, installation of a signal at 13400 South and Morning Cloak. Third, access for Western Springs development to the south,” Stewart stated.
Councilmember Tingey plans to focus on the trail system in District 2.
“I am currently working on the trail system in my district. The trails need to be cleaned up, repaired, and connected. All my budgeted district money will go toward these repairs. After the new budget is adopted, I plan to use district money for trees. There are trees that need to be removed and replanted. I wanted to wait until we hired our arborist to do this so those trees would get the expert attention they needed,” Tingey said.
Councilmember Paul Wayman hopes to continue outreach and education on radon awareness for both District 3 and the city. Wayman was actively involved in a radon awareness open house at Riverton Hospital in November.
“On average, every other house in our area has high radon levels that would need mediation according to the EPA. There is grant money available to residents that cannot afford to do the mediation. I am working to create a coalition of cities to reduce the deaths caused by radon. I welcome concerns - contact me by phone or by e-mail,” Wayman said.
Councilmember Staggs wants to focus on safety and development in District 4.
“As for my district, I would like to work on the area along 12600 South from 1300 West to Redwood Road, and out to about 2200 West. I’ve created a special subcommittee, along with councilmember Johnson, to address this. I’m also looking at traffic calming throughout my entire area. I worked hard this past year to get digital speed boards along Lampton View Drive and Sirmingo Way, and also put in several traffic calming signs and painted street signs to help slow down traffic. There are a few more streets within my district that I’d like to also add similar techniques to, and will focus on that in 2016,” Staggs said.
“Lastly, continue to work on preservation and trail opportunities along our section of the Jordan River. I sponsored a resolution that had our city join the Jordan River Commission in November of 2014, and there are several great grants and other opportunities that our city can pick up in working with this organization in helping restore our ponds and keeping the area clean along the trailway. There are a few very active residents along this area too that have been great to work with,” Staggs added.
Councilmember Brent Johnson wants to make sure residents are aware of improvements in District 5.
“In my own district I hope to see effort towards improvements on 1300 West and to make sure that the residences are completely aware of the developments on Redwood Road with the widening project moving forward,” Johnson said.
Mayor Bill Applegarth communicated his goals for the new year as well.
“Among the goals I have for 2016, I am eager to finish the Active Transportation Plan for Riverton City with new bike lanes and improvements to existing trail systems. In addition to enhancing the quality of life for Riverton residents, this effort helps us continue bridging the gaps that will connect people to a larger network of service and recreation through the entire south valley,” Applegarth stated.
Council members also voiced plans to continue community input and involvement, actively budget to save residents and the city money, deliver services more efficiently, and create more commercialization opportunities along 12600 South between Redwood Road and 1300 West.
“I want us to get more aggressive on identifying areas of the budget where we can save money, allowing us to keep a lid on fees, if not drive them down. This is not just in reducing costs, but in identifying ways to deliver services more efficiently,” Staggs said.